Grants will be provided on a first come, first served basis and are limited to the amount in the Autism Society of the Emerald Coast's approved budget for that year.
The individual requesting the grant must reside in counties served by Autism Society of the Emerald Coast (Okaloosa and Walton). The Autism Society of the Emerald Coast reserves the right to ask the applicant for proof of residency.
The person with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) applying or the parents/caregiver applying for the grant must be an acitve Autism Society of the Emerald Coast member.
The person with ASD must have been diagnosed with an ASD by a qualified medical or educational professional.
Both children and adults with an ASD are eligible to apply.
The name and description of the program, along with contact person, mailing address, and phone number must be included on the grant request form.
Grants for Summer camp will be limited to a maximum of $500 per individual for calendar year 2015.
Grants will be paid directly to the Summer camp provider.
Grant applications should be submitted two (2) weeks prior to the camp registration deadline.
NOTE: All guidelines above are provided for general purposes. Autism Society of the Emerald Coast recognizes that occassionally there are extenuating circumstances. Requests for consideration of special circumstances should be submitted to the Autism Society of the Emerald Coast for review.